episode 1: Jamie Mickelson
ranching is not for the faint of heart.
It requires demanding and never ending dedication for both the land and livestock 365 days a year. Jamie Mickelson has not only dedicated her life to a career in ranching, she is doing it without the ability to hear. Born with profound hearing loss, Jamie is an inspiration to people from all walks of life. Her story shows us the resiliency and passion it takes to keep showing up even in life's toughest moments.
has been raising cattle since she was 9 years old alongside her family in Sonoma, California. Both her and her brother showed cattle in 4-H and FFA, falling in love with ranching at a young age and inheriting their father’s love for the Hereford breed.
She attended California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo where she earned her Bachelors and Masters degrees in Agricultural Business. While in school, she helped manage the university’s cattle herd and realized that raising beef cattle was her calling.
After graduating she moved home to begin her own business, Sonoma Mountain Beef Company. Born out of her passion to offer high quality, humanely raised, and locally processed beef products, her beef company utilizes cattle from her herd that have never received antibiotics or growth hormones.
More than anything, she wants her customers to feel good about knowing where their food comes from. She currently sells her meat products, which has now expanded to also include lamb and pork, to local restaurants, online, and at farmers markets. She even launched a beef club program that includes delicious monthly beef products conveniently delivered directly to her customer’s door.
As someone who communicates predominantly through reading lips, navigating COVID and masked faces, especially when it came to communicating with her customers at farmers markets, proved to be challenging. Despite the challenges, she hasn’t let anything stop her from pursuing her passions for providing her community with high quality protein.
In her dad Jim’s words, Jamie Mickelson is a dynamo and after spending the day with them both in Bodega on their ranch, we totally agree.
“Her hearing loss is, like I said without her aids she can’t hear a gun shot or a jet engine. But with her aids now we can have a conversation on the telephone. When she got these new aids she walked out of the office and she could hear this noise. She said what is that? Well it was birds chirping.”
- Jim Mickelson
president of Sonoma Mountain Herefords and Jamie’s dad, says Jamie’s hearing impairment does not set her back. He affectionately describes her as a workaholic who loves meeting people and raising high quality beef.
His face lights up when he talks about his daughter, full of pride for the way she connects with others through her infectious personality. Beyond supporting her community with the quality food she raises, she also sits on several leadership boards as well.

We were blown away by Jamie and her deep passion for the high quality products she produces from farm to table. Her love for the livestock and the land exudes from her just as much as her love for people and the customers she serves. Her vibrant spirit is proof that regardless of the challenges life may throw at you, when you’re aligned with a purpose that sets your soul on fire, anything is possible.

were ready to move in with the family after seeing the rolling green hills with a view of the Pacific dotted with great Hereford cattle. Jamie and Jim even sent us each home with a bottle of wine from their family winery, Kunde Family Winery.
Cheers to the hardworking ranching families like Jamie’s providing nutritious and delicious beef (and wine) for our tables!
Photography by Shelby Caitlin Photography